Allies In Advocacy
"SnapSlide addresses two public policy issues that are of interest to AMERIPEN - inclusive design and source reduction. SnapSlide appears to present new options for the value of packaging to impact consumers of various abilities. Additionally, SnapSlide’s source reduction possibilities appear to be a practical contribution to a multi-factor issue facing the packaging industry and the world at large. We are very interested to see how SnapSlide's technology will intersect with these two important public policy issues."
–Dan Felton, Executive DirectorAMERIPEN"SnapSlide capitalizes on a huge design deficiency in modern-day packaging by inclusively designing for individuals living with hand dexterity issues. Their one-handed design not only improves functionality but also ease of living for individuals who struggle with hand function. As someone involved in product Development & marketing specific to the disability community, this product will change the daily lives of millions without question."
–Scott Stone, PresidentCommunity Conscious"We applaud the commitment of SnapSlide to provide a resource that advances ease of daily living for those living with limb loss and/or limb difference."
–Cass Isidrio, President & CEOAmputee Coalition"I am continuously informed of patient concerns in accessing their medicine. One common concern that is often overlooked is the extreme difficulty in opening many types of packaging. There are millions of US consumers who suffer from arthritis, MS, chronic pain, etc., which can often make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to open their medicine without caregiver assistance. SnapSlide offers consumers a solution that is both disability friendly and child-resistant, allowing independent access to their medicine."
–Debbie Churgai, Executive DirectorAmericans for Safe Access"I evaluated the SnapSlide technology with users with Arthritis at the Intuitive Design Applied Research Institute and found the reaction to be very favorable among research participants. SnapSlide is an innovative technology that is poised to bring improved outcomes to consumers of various abilities in multiple categories. I look forward to seeing this technology in the marketplace, and applaud SnapSlide's contribution to inclusive design."
–Dr. Brad Fain, FounderIntuitive Design Applied Research Institute"It was interesting for me to watch the reaction of Abilities Expo visitors that interacted with SnapSlide at a recent event. Comments like “where has this been all my life” were the rule vs. the exception. The reception was overwhelmingly positive from members of the disability community and their family members and or caregivers."
–David Korse, President & CEOAbilities.com"SnapSlide is a great solution not only from an accessibility standpoint but from a design perspective as well. Usually, when packaging is designed for inclusivity excess material is added to meet customer needs. SnapSlide challenges the status quo by reducing material needs while exceeding accessibility standards in an engaging way."
–Mikey Pasciuto, CSOScrapp Recycling"Having reviewed SnapSlide, I'm happy to recommend it to anyone who finds it difficult to open traditional packaging. This may, of course, include members of the disabled community, who often don’t have the dexterity required to complete the common "push and turn" process."
–Dr Joanna Baker-Rogers, Partnership ManagerDisability Horizons